“The Mean Lady named Ivy”

Posted in Uncategorized on January 21, 2009 by Dionicio Leal

I know I hav’nt posted in a while, life is still busy. Having a kid, going to school, leading worship, and hustling to get the bills paid takes a lot of my time.  My family gets all the time in between, but they are my first priority! So I spend as much time as I can with them.  I get free wi-fi from the McDonald’s down the block.  It’s not all that reliable since the signal isn’t that strong, but for now it keeps us in touch.So, we just get back from Winter Camp ’08, it was a blast!  We worshipped, played some cool games, and hung out.  The whole weekend I was over coming some allergy’s like, runny nose and obsessive sneezing.  Monday morning the day of our departure I woke up with my eyes swollen, and throughout the day the condition got worse.  I got some over the counter medication for itching and swelling but by midnight it was BAD!  So I finally just go to the ER to get the “miracle” shot, cause by morning I just knew it would be really BAD!  So I get to the ER at about 12:15 am, and there are kids everywhere, physically I looked the worst compared to everyone else.  Apparently everyone else was dying, because people that got there after me were getting called back before me.  So I fall asleep in the waiting room hoping I would awaken to the abrupt sound of my name being called.  I wake up from a deep sleep, you know the kind when you wake up and forget where you are.  The ER was pretty empty and I was certain that they called my name and I missed it.  I go ask the lady at the desk and she says, ” No, I’m sorry they haven’t called your name yet”.  By this point my face was even more swollen than before.  I finally get called back and they give me the shot and a prescription.  I wake up this morning and my face is already better,  Erika (my wife) has her 6 week check up with her doctor to make sure everything is well after the birth.  The doctor asks where I am, and she tells him at home with my eyes swollen shut, her doctor tells her to call me and to go up there and they could give me the shot for FREE!

Now that I think about it, God was telling me last night not to worry about it, he knows a doctor that would get me the shot.  Because I didn’t slow down to listen, I percieved it as me thinking it would be awesome if I could find someone I knew that could get me the shot.  God had it planned out, I just wasn’t patient enough to wait on his timing.  God always has a plan, we just have to lean on him and be patient.  Down below is a picture of me today, the swelling has tremendously gone down already.


Life is busy……Pt. 1

Posted in Uncategorized on August 21, 2008 by Dionicio Leal

Wow, I feel like I have neglected all of my subscriber (notice no “S” for plural) you got it one faithfull reader.  I promise, there are some pictures to come.  I just have to re-coupe from working my 8-5 and then 6-2 am at the church renovating the whole 2nd story.   More pictures to come, and a 2nd part with stories and details.  Later, Im off for a nap..

This Is Our God

Posted in Uncategorized on July 17, 2008 by Dionicio Leal







   This album by Hillsong Church is simply amazing, It’s there 17th live album, and year after year they continue to deliver heart felt songs.  On this album the songs lead and written by Joel Houston lean towards these amazing stadium chants.  Like the chants roaring from a massive International Rugby and Soccer stadium.  There is about 10 or more worship leaders that lead at different intervals of the night.  You need this album, if you don’t get the cd+dvd combo you need to.  The dvd is at a whole different level than the CD.

My View till’ 5

Posted in Uncategorized on July 16, 2008 by Dionicio Leal

This is where I will be residing for the next 5 hours, talking to redneck truck drivers…..not really redneck but sounds cool.  Quoting Insurance for Commercial Fleet Vehicles,  all the green sheets are potential customers that I am quoting.  I really need to get some art on the wall, if you know where I can get a good deal on some art let me know.














Way Free

Posted in Daily Dose on June 27, 2008 by Dionicio Leal

I got this post from over at TheHundreds, this is crazy courageous!
“Every skater has dreamt of doing this. And shutting down the 405 freeway, evading a felony, all the while making an expedient commentary on the Gas crisis? Honk honk.”

Breaking and Entering

Posted in Uncategorized on June 23, 2008 by Dionicio Leal

Saturday we had some friends from church tie the knot, they happen to live about a block away so Erika, our Youth Pastor and his family and I barged in on them with no notice on Sunday night.  We got there in time to sit and watch this movie.  Immediately I thought, this is the bio film of Kimbo Slice, it’s the exact opposite.  It’s about an aspiring sport’s writer who is trying to full-fill his dad’s legacy and a ton of lesson’s learned throughout the entire movie. It’s probably the closest thing to a chick flick for a male.

Blogger Arrests

Posted in Uncategorized on June 18, 2008 by Dionicio Leal
Keep your political views to yourself. That’s the message going out to bloggers as a new study finds they’re being arrested in record numbers.
According to the study, most of the 64 arrests since 2003 have come from China, Egypt and Iran — while most of the searches for the term “blogger” come from Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines (U.S. ranks seventh).
I found this article here.

Usefull or Useless……

Posted in Uncategorized on June 11, 2008 by Dionicio Leal

My first thoughts when I saw these were, I gotta get one, or both.  Maybe your Boss will think twice about the morning informative meeting when he see’s you drinking from these bad boy’s.


Is this Apple ripe or a rip off?

Posted in Apple on June 10, 2008 by Dionicio Leal

Among all the commotion and rumors we are all waiting patiently to consume an affordable piece of treasure.  You know the saying “you pay for what you get”, in electronics this is definitely true.  So even though the first generation phones were pricey it may be that they are built better.  It may mean that they were over priced in the first place, who knows.  This phone is still a beauty and a fraction of the cost,  apple will introduce another one in probably a year so be prepared.  I am going right now to check on apple stock and  see how many shares I can buy, cause everyone and their mom is going to buy one. 



In my spare time….

Posted in Bboy on June 9, 2008 by Dionicio Leal

In high school a group of friends shared one love, we loved to dance.  Breakdance that is, after school we would practice for hours into the night and morning.  We started doing shows and youth rally’s, we even opened up for David Crowder Band.  Well a few years down the road after graduation, work, marriage and a few extra pounds we still keep on keepin on.  We all made an agreemant with each other that no matter how old we are we will still dance.  The video below is from a concert about 2 months ago…I’m wearing the Classic Vintage Pumps.